definitions: 3908644023eb3f2c6341baa669ea901ccd41f5a1

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3908644023eb3f2c6341baa669ea901ccd41f5a1 belief that romantic and/or sexual exclusivity is not necessary for a happy, committed relationship; an umbrella term for various types of relationships (coded as romantic or quasi-romantic, sexual or non-sexual) where all partners involved consent to ethical non-monogamy, such as polycules, throuples, group marriages, etc. ## Note One can be polyamorous despite currently being single or in a monogamous relationship. <p>belief that romantic and/or sexual exclusivity is not necessary for a happy, committed relationship; an umbrella term for various types of relationships (coded as romantic or quasi-romantic, sexual or non-sexual) where all partners involved consent to ethical non-monogamy, such as polycules, throuples, group marriages, etc.</p> <h2>Note</h2> <p>One can be polyamorous despite currently being single or in a monogamous relationship.</p> Polyamory polyamory 1     noun [{"text": "My definition of polyamory", "href": ""}, {"text": "Poly Glossary", "href": ""}, {"text": "", "href": ""}]    
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