_id,_path,text,html,title,slug,defined,sub_terms,flag,speech,reading,alt_words,skip_in_table_of_content 01a0b5a0f27682c4e8a802b8594d3f9ed07bb421,lunatic.md,,,Lunatic,lunatic,0,,"{""level"": ""avoid"", ""text"": ""ableist slur""}",,,, 02f79acb27fffaa6f373951f35c40b0502156af1,-normative.md,,,-normative,-normative,0,"[{""text"": ""Hetero"", ""full_title"": ""heternormative""}]",,,,, 033c8c0486b15908e8176be3045737a4ac0900f2,hispanic.md,,,Hispanic,hispanic,0,,,,,, 036e564826899f32a5a81cb1b906205f168a011a,vestibular-migraine.md,,,Vestibular migraine,vestibular-migraine,0,,,,,, 04bb0c2dd6cc3864e4a7a5463ae54dcdf393b822,racism.md,,,Racism,racism,0,,,,,, 08ce3b72bba3bc57903a9145feab7a4336eeb2e8,child-of-a-deaf-adult.md,,,Child of a Deaf Adult (CODA),child-of-a-deaf-adult,0,,,,,, 09dfddba131eb2eb338f4e6d4e3dbbdd5ea781d4,minorities.md,"the smaller in number of two groups constituting a whole ## Issues Minorities is not always accurate and is vague. As it deals with numbers, the term minorities can often be inaccurate, as is the case when speaking of communities of colour, who often outnumber white communities. By referring to a group as 'minorities,' it can suggest the group hasn't taken initiative to show up, thereby blaming the oppressed for systemic issues that prevent their participation. ## Impact By repeatedly referring to groups as ""minorities,"" they are being infantised to their numerical representation and made to feel minor. The vagueness also abstracts the identify of the marginalised group, making it difficult to address why they are minoritised to begin with.","

the smaller in number of two groups constituting a whole


Minorities is not always accurate and is vague. As it deals with numbers, the term minorities can often be inaccurate, as is the case when speaking of communities of colour, who often outnumber white communities.

By referring to a group as 'minorities,' it can suggest the group hasn't taken initiative to show up, thereby blaming the oppressed for systemic issues that prevent their participation.


By repeatedly referring to groups as ""minorities,"" they are being infantised to their numerical representation and made to feel minor. The vagueness also abstracts the identify of the marginalised group, making it difficult to address why they are minoritised to begin with.

",minorities,minorities,1,,"{""level"": ""avoid""}",noun,,"[""minoritised"", ""or omit""]", 0a3a402cc72fb3fe9ef88a683a126b1f5653e01c,human-immunodeficiency-virus.md,,,Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV),human-immunodeficiency-virus,0,,,,,, 0de41420cde662b151625da7099f84d74fc43f8a,obsessive-compulsive-disorder.md,"a mental illness usually embodied by unwanted repeated thoughts (obsession) coupled with repeated behaviour, routine, or action (compulsion) ## Issues OCD is commonly misused to highlight personality quirks or fussiness, usually involving a preference for order or cleanliness. Use of 'OCD' as a noun or adjective in this manner diminishes the actual condition, resulting in reductive and over-normalised perception of a someone with these specific mental or psychiatric disabilities. ## Impact By conflating arbitrary quirks or behaviours with OCD, we are invalidating OCD as a medical condition and the people who experience it. Generally by using medically appropriative language, we are invalidating the existences of people with OCD, minimising their experiences, perpetuating violence against people who experience mental or psychological disabilities. Using this language perpetuates those systems and language of harm, regardless of our intent. ## Usage Tip Be more specific. Typically we can find an alternate definition by simply reflecting on what emotion we're really feeling. In this case, be particularly aware if the behaviour is actually unwanted or uncontrollable.","

a mental illness usually embodied by unwanted repeated thoughts (obsession) coupled with repeated behaviour, routine, or action (compulsion)


OCD is commonly misused to highlight personality quirks or fussiness, usually involving a preference for order or cleanliness. Use of 'OCD' as a noun or adjective in this manner diminishes the actual condition, resulting in reductive and over-normalised perception of a someone with these specific mental or psychiatric disabilities.


By conflating arbitrary quirks or behaviours with OCD, we are invalidating OCD as a medical condition and the people who experience it. Generally by using medically appropriative language, we are invalidating the existences of people with OCD, minimising their experiences, perpetuating violence against people who experience mental or psychological disabilities. Using this language perpetuates those systems and language of harm, regardless of our intent.

Usage Tip

Be more specific. Typically we can find an alternate definition by simply reflecting on what emotion we're really feeling. In this case, be particularly aware if the behaviour is actually unwanted or uncontrollable.

",Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD),obsessive-compulsive-disorder,1,,"{""level"": ""avoid"", ""text"": ""Medical Appropriation""}",noun,,"[""conscientious"", ""exact"", ""fastidious"", ""fussy"", ""meticulous"", ""nitpicky"", ""particular"", ""precise"", ""quirky"", ""thorough""]", 0de76a2e274c1e7ac852118b222f77489144b947,biromantic.md,"of, relating to, or characterised by being romantically attracted to more than one gender. ## Note Biromantic does not imply any particular kind of sexual attraction, or sexual attraction at all. A biromantic person may be asexual, homosexual, heterosexual, [bisexual](/definitions/bisexual), [pansexual](/definitions/pan-sexual), etc. Biromantic does not preclude romantic attraction to [non-binary](/definitions/non-binary) or [transgender](/definitions/transgender) people.","

of, relating to, or characterised by being romantically attracted to more than one gender.


Biromantic does not imply any particular kind of sexual attraction, or sexual attraction at all. A biromantic person may be asexual, homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, pansexual, etc.

Biromantic does not preclude romantic attraction to non-binary or transgender people.

",Biromantic,biromantic,1,,,adj,"[{""text"": ""Sorting Out Romantic vs Sexual Feelings"", ""href"": ""http://teenhealthsource.com/blog/faq-sorting-out-romantic-vs-sexual-feelings/""}, {""text"": ""Being Bi On The Asexual Spectrum"", ""href"": ""https://www.curvemag.com/Lifestyle/Being-Bi-On-The-Asexual-Spectrum-2141/""}, {""text"": ""Here\u2019s What It Means When Your Romantic and Sexual Orientations Are Different"", ""href"": ""https://everydayfeminism.com/2016/07/cross-orientation-101/""}]",, 0de955d1b7644e1359f90a06f067a9b725903cba,poz.md,,,Poz,poz,0,,,,,, 0ee2a11177bbe158e91dbe10a8b6065d9ed07cca,platonic.md,,,Platonic,platonic,0,"[{""text"": ""Queer"", ""full_title"": ""Queer Platonic""}]",,,,, 0ee81baf3643ae2ef69ffd2275ba08b28664cd01,spirit-animal.md,,,Spirit animal,spirit-animal,0,,"{""level"": ""avoid"", ""text"": ""cultural appropriation""}",,,, 134ca2f77812713c038bca4682b8669142d3faf6,top-down-approach.md,,,Top-down approach,top-down-approach,0,,,,,, 163990a60cc8afd578aa0e44a5116ff2deeeff57,moron.md,,,Moron,moron,0,,"{""level"": ""avoid"", ""text"": ""ableist slur""}",,,, 1addf0769fbe869c04441e04304bc952cff052a9,colonialism.md,,,Colonialism,colonialism,0,,,,,, 1c3e6d0a515bc8adb8e6cc27704ee2da97bb2465,black-indigenous-people-of-color.md,,,Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC),black-indigenous-people-of-color,0,,,,,, 1d5c52d65c96b397cb985ee5e26a56925b99267d,racist.md,,,Racist,racist,0,,,,,, 1d5de72d745630e39275d8208ac9e1f5d86620eb,neurodiverse.md,,,Neurodiverse,neurodiverse,0,,,,,, 1dcbd3881b1bb5766b66f4a2837cddc1e65a922b,neurotypical.md,,,Neurotypical,neurotypical,0,,,,,, 1f3aa697b96740f67309b2434ebcd9909a1fce30,ok-hand.md,"hand gesture where right thumb and right index finger form a circle, remaining fingers fan out; in American Sign Language, gesture means number nine; in diving, gesture indicates “OK” as question or confirmation; gesture is used in an innocuous children's game called “[The Circle Game](https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/wj8e74/searching-for-the-man-behind-the-circle-game),” where the gesture is held low—if another child looks at it, they get punched. In 2017, the hand gesture was [appropriated by White Supremacists on 4chan](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ok-symbol-%F0%9F%91%8C) to mean White Power (the three fingers forming at 'W' and thumb and index forming the circle of the 'P'). It was framed as a hoax to ""own"" Leftists through trickery and [gaslighting](/definitions/gaslighting). The hand gesture has been used by White Supremacists as a dogwhistle to identify other White Supremacists [at rallies](https://mashable.com/article/milo-yiannopoulos-banned-from-furry-convention/), [in forums](https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2018/09/18/ok-sign-white-power-symbol-or-just-right-wing-troll), and even [at court hearings](https://nypost.com/2019/03/15/suspected-new-zealand-shooter-appears-in-court/). In 2019, the hand gesture was added to the [Anti-Defamation League's list of official symbols of hate](https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/ok-and-other-alt-right-memes-and-slogans-added-to-adls-hate-symbols-database). ## Issues While it can be argued that the symbol's origins and many of its uses do not imply racist connotations, and that the 4chan-ers ""framed it as a hoax,"" it is undeniable that the symbol has evolved and become a gesture used sincerely by white supremacists. The uncertainty created by the 4chan-ers is a critical part of their strategy. The strategy employs plausible deniability: Because they self-identified it as a hoax, they can fall back on that explanation. Meanwhile, if people begin to adapt the symbol, as they did, it becomes a dogwhistle for White Supremacists. It should be noted that this approach of indoctrinating symbols of hate is one long-documented, and [used for the Swastika as well](https://theconversation.com/how-nazis-twisted-the-swastika-into-a-symbol-of-hate-83020). ## Impact The people most vulnerable to the oppressive impact of White Supremacy will never know for certain if the symbol is being used in one of its non-violent manners or if it's being used in its racist violent manners. The oppressed must choose the option that protects them, which is typically erring on the side of caution. Continuing to use the symbol with its non-hateful connotations to ""take it back,"" does not eliminate its pervasive new meaning associated with White Supremacy. Instead, continuing usage only perpetuates emotional and psychological harm upon the most vulnerable and susceptible populations.","

hand gesture where right thumb and right index finger form a circle, remaining fingers fan out; in American Sign Language, gesture means number nine; in diving, gesture indicates “OK” as question or confirmation; gesture is used in an innocuous children's game called “The Circle Game,” where the gesture is held low—if another child looks at it, they get punched.

In 2017, the hand gesture was appropriated by White Supremacists on 4chan to mean White Power (the three fingers forming at 'W' and thumb and index forming the circle of the 'P'). It was framed as a hoax to ""own"" Leftists through trickery and gaslighting.

The hand gesture has been used by White Supremacists as a dogwhistle to identify other White Supremacists at rallies, in forums, and even at court hearings. In 2019, the hand gesture was added to the Anti-Defamation League's list of official symbols of hate.


While it can be argued that the symbol's origins and many of its uses do not imply racist connotations, and that the 4chan-ers ""framed it as a hoax,"" it is undeniable that the symbol has evolved and become a gesture used sincerely by white supremacists.

The uncertainty created by the 4chan-ers is a critical part of their strategy. The strategy employs plausible deniability: Because they self-identified it as a hoax, they can fall back on that explanation. Meanwhile, if people begin to adapt the symbol, as they did, it becomes a dogwhistle for White Supremacists. It should be noted that this approach of indoctrinating symbols of hate is one long-documented, and used for the Swastika as well.


The people most vulnerable to the oppressive impact of White Supremacy will never know for certain if the symbol is being used in one of its non-violent manners or if it's being used in its racist violent manners. The oppressed must choose the option that protects them, which is typically erring on the side of caution.

Continuing to use the symbol with its non-hateful connotations to ""take it back,"" does not eliminate its pervasive new meaning associated with White Supremacy. Instead, continuing usage only perpetuates emotional and psychological harm upon the most vulnerable and susceptible populations.

",👌 [ok-hand],ok-hand,1,,"{""text"": ""Racist Symbol"", ""level"": ""avoid""}",noun,,"[""\ud83d\udc4d"", ""\ud83c\udd97"", ""good"", ""okay"", ""or omit""]", 1f51203e2e22820d21e841bbbfc798b66eb23c59,barbaric.md,"something which is obscenely cruel; primitive; unsophisticated ## Issues Barbarian originates from the Greek word _bárbaros_ meaning ""babbler"", to denote the ""unintelligible sounds"" (_""bar bar bar""_) made by foreign speakers. Similar words exist in many other languages, for the identical purpose labeling a ""strange""/""foreign"" person/culture. In modern day usage, you can notice this rhetoric being employed almost always for the purpose of demonizing ""foreign"" (more often than not from the global south) cultures - cultures that need to be civilized; cultures that need to be colonized to rescue them from themselves. A perfect lingual weapon for warmongers and racists alike. Equally repulsive sibling of ""savage"". ## Impact When you use words, that are in vogue primarily inside circles of bigots, with racist etymologies, it's a wilful act of violence, ignorance and an indication to the vilified and minoritised communities that their history of wounds and abuses are inconsequential to our words. ## Usage Tip Avoid words that have obscene etymologies. There is almost always a better alternative: an inclusive and a less hurtful one.","

something which is obscenely cruel; primitive; unsophisticated


Barbarian originates from the Greek word bárbaros meaning ""babbler"", to denote the ""unintelligible sounds"" (""bar bar bar"") made by foreign speakers. Similar words exist in many other languages, for the identical purpose labeling a ""strange""/""foreign"" person/culture.

In modern day usage, you can notice this rhetoric being employed almost always for the purpose of demonizing ""foreign"" (more often than not from the global south) cultures - cultures that need to be civilized; cultures that need to be colonized to rescue them from themselves. A perfect lingual weapon for warmongers and racists alike. Equally repulsive sibling of ""savage"".


When you use words, that are in vogue primarily inside circles of bigots, with racist etymologies, it's a wilful act of violence, ignorance and an indication to the vilified and minoritised communities that their history of wounds and abuses are inconsequential to our words.

Usage Tip

Avoid words that have obscene etymologies. There is almost always a better alternative: an inclusive and a less hurtful one.

",Barbaric,barbaric,1,,"{""text"": ""Neo-Colonial/Racist slur"", ""level"": ""avoid""}",adjective,"[{""text"": ""is the word barbarian a slur?"", ""href"": ""https://seetobehumanityearth.wordpress.com/2015/07/16/is-the-term-barbarian-a-slur/""}, {""text"": ""Barbarian wiki"", ""href"": ""https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbarian""}]","[""cruel"", ""vicious"", ""obscene"", ""feral""]", 2087a9cb2d6097acfdc56214462756878b80504b,dumb.md,"non-verbal, non-speaking, silent, refraining from speaking or unable to speak; sometimes __mute__ which can also be ableist; colloquially used to mean unintelligent or senseless ## Issues Dumb initially meant ""mute, silent, refraining or unable to speak."" Old German __thumb__ carried a dual meaning of ""stupid"", which eventually took over. An oft-cited quote by Greek philosopher Aristotle reads, ""Men that are deaf are in all cases also dumb.**"" Historically the Greeks valued physical prowess (as evidenced by their invention of the Olympic Games) and their language, so anyone who lacked the ability to perform certain physical tasks or conduct reason (verbalise reason, rather) in their language was considered invaluable to society. The historical context is still ever present today, where we devalue disabled bodies and minds. Using dumb reinforces these cultural values. **Isolation to only ""men"" also reinforces the historical patriarchical ideas that intersected with these ableist ones. ## Impact Using the word dumb reinforces the idea that Deaf and/or non-speaking/non-verbal people do not have valuable ideas to contribute, and that we only value people based on their idea to generate ideas and goods (see [Ableism](/definitions/ableism)) By using ableist language, we are perpetuating violence against people who experience mental or psychological disabilities. Using this language perpetuates those systems and language of harm, regardless of our intent. ## Usage Tip Be more specific. Typically we can find an alternate definition by simply reflecting on what emotion we're really feeling.","

non-verbal, non-speaking, silent, refraining from speaking or unable to speak; sometimes mute which can also be ableist; colloquially used to mean unintelligent or senseless


Dumb initially meant ""mute, silent, refraining or unable to speak."" Old German thumb carried a dual meaning of ""stupid"", which eventually took over.

An oft-cited quote by Greek philosopher Aristotle reads, ""Men that are deaf are in all cases also dumb.**"" Historically the Greeks valued physical prowess (as evidenced by their invention of the Olympic Games) and their language, so anyone who lacked the ability to perform certain physical tasks or conduct reason (verbalise reason, rather) in their language was considered invaluable to society. The historical context is still ever present today, where we devalue disabled bodies and minds.

Using dumb reinforces these cultural values.

**Isolation to only ""men"" also reinforces the historical patriarchical ideas that intersected with these ableist ones.


Using the word dumb reinforces the idea that Deaf and/or non-speaking/non-verbal people do not have valuable ideas to contribute, and that we only value people based on their idea to generate ideas and goods (see Ableism)

By using ableist language, we are perpetuating violence against people who experience mental or psychological disabilities. Using this language perpetuates those systems and language of harm, regardless of our intent.

Usage Tip

Be more specific. Typically we can find an alternate definition by simply reflecting on what emotion we're really feeling.

",dumb,dumb,1,,"{""text"": ""Ableist Slur"", ""level"": ""avoid""}",adjective,"[{""text"": ""Etymonline entry"", ""href"": ""https://www.etymonline.com/word/dumb""}, {""text"": ""The Case Against Stupid"", ""href"": ""https://ischemgeek.wordpress.com/2014/02/15/the-case-against-stupid/""}, {""text"": ""National Association of the Deaf FAQ"", ""href"": ""https://www.nad.org/resources/american-sign-language/community-and-culture-frequently-asked-questions/""}, {""text"": ""National Geographic Creation of Sign Language"", ""href"": ""https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/magazine/2019/05-06/creation-of-sign-language/""}, {""text"": ""Stereotypes and Evaluations of People who are D/deaf [PDF, 363KB]"", ""href"": ""https://digitalcommons.unf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1020&context=honors""}, {""text"": ""StackExchange \""Who first wrote about deafness\"""", ""href"": ""https://history.stackexchange.com/questions/7293/who-first-wrote-about-deafness""}]","[""incomprehensible"", ""nonsensical"", ""redundant"", ""silly"", ""senseless"", ""strange"", ""weird"", ""unfamilair"", ""unfathomable"", ""unnecessary""]", 221cd6e44485f7f9c5947a9f41dad3bd970bd6e6,autism-spectrum.md,,,Autism spectrum,autism-spectrum,0,,,,,, 231ec89ae74516c02d00b2d09ef60e33190eea62,inherent.md,,,Inherent,inherent,0,,,,,, 2343b92923a60307aa38484237aae000e53caadb,n-word.md,,,N-word,n-word,0,,"{""level"": ""avoid"", ""text"": ""racist slur""}",,,, 23d7dacb4f4c467befde9a23f46e605c9f279b36,semitic.md,,,Semitic,semitic,0,,,,,, 23edacaa37100cef72f26452e1206c8a2d76bf98,american.md,,,American,american,0,"[{""text"": ""African"", ""full_title"": ""African American""}, {""text"": ""Asian"", ""full_title"": ""Asian American""}, {""text"": ""Black"", ""full_title"": ""Black American""}, {""text"": ""Indigenous"", ""full_title"": ""Indigenous American""}]",,,,, 26d77c246357f574bbdc47cf2ef7f0242899816b,-phile.md,,,-phile,-phile,0,"[{""text"": ""andro-"", ""full_title"": ""andro-phile""}, {""text"": ""gyne-"", ""full_title"": ""gyne-phile""}]",,,,, 28c50f71b385b2580f9d02f0c49e323acb7e7fc0,implicit-bias.md,,,Implicit bias,implicit-bias,0,,,,,, 293cef932ff076bd06ad9bdf0080972cc273ac93,pansexual.md,"someone who is sexually attracted to people regardless of their gender, or to people of any gender.","

someone who is sexually attracted to people regardless of their gender, or to people of any gender.

",Pansexual,pan-sexual,1,,,adj,"[{""text"": ""Pansexuality and Being Pansexual: Everything You Need to Know"", ""href"": ""https://www.teenvogue.com/story/what-is-pansexuality""}]",, 295c258528307794dfd838269f7a089360c77115,idiot.md,,,Idiot,idiot,0,,"{""level"": ""avoid"", ""text"": ""Ableist Slur""}",,,, 2967acc9b7a8b19d6e04954d41e6e93d0ccfc665,attention-deficithyperactivity-disorder.md,,,Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD),attention-deficithyperactivity-disorder,0,,,,,, 299ac06a898adaba2c4ab020841c21ca068db409,white-fragility.md,"the tendency for dominant white culture to respond to racism with defensive, dismissive, and angry responses; “a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves.” (Robin DiAngelo). ## Impact White fragility detracts from critical conversations about the systemic oppressors at play. The cost of white fragility is that it centres the feelings of white people while ignoring and invalidating the systemic harm conducted towards people of colour. White fragility also prevents white people from doing anti-racist work to unpack their socially internalised racism.","

the tendency for dominant white culture to respond to racism with defensive, dismissive, and angry responses; “a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves.” (Robin DiAngelo).


White fragility detracts from critical conversations about the systemic oppressors at play. The cost of white fragility is that it centres the feelings of white people while ignoring and invalidating the systemic harm conducted towards people of colour. White fragility also prevents white people from doing anti-racist work to unpack their socially internalised racism.

",White Fragility,white-fragility,1,,"{""level"": ""tool"", ""text"": ""White Supremacy Tool""}",noun,"[{""text"": ""White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo"", ""href"": ""https://robindiangelo.com/publications/""}, {""text"": ""White Fragility tag on The Root"", ""href"": ""https://www.theroot.com/tag/white-fragility""}]",, 2b1f99a8a6df6ba125458ff3aaac9754d4d2d1ab,womanism.md,,,womanism,womanism,0,,,,,, 2b6febbb4beb0406413ae51846e83d96f4b1f2bf,disability.md,,,Disability,disability,0,,,,,, 2bb147f5cdb474ed98e527dc79e7081f77f8b851,post-traumatic-stress-disorder.md,,,Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),post-traumatic-stress-disorder,0,,,,,, 2d33ee1ba8c67fc58ed07952f0606b3537b6dfec,ambulatory-wheelchair.md,,,Ambulatory Wheelchair,ambulatory-wheelchair,0,,,,,, 2f6a283e3941d49051cd34bf3fd78b2d4042047b,deaf-and-deaf.md,,,deaf and Deaf,deaf-and-deaf,0,,,,,, 30b5c20e5307b432fcf88006307f7cd8b4474c7a,-passing.md,,,-passing,-passing,0,"[{""text"": ""cis-"", ""full_title"": ""cis-passing""}, {""text"": ""female-"", ""full_title"": ""female-passing""}, {""text"": ""white-"", ""full_title"": ""white-passing""}]",,,,, 325551e56ada0596c70853012fb8f2e6cbaaf264,ableism.md,"a system that places value on people’s bodies and minds based on societally constructed ideas of normalcy, intelligence, excellence, and productivity. These constructed ideas are deeply rooted in anti-Blackness, eugenics, colonialism, and capitalism. — Talia ""TL"" Lewis ## Impact To paraphrase Lewis, ableism ""leads to people and society determining who is valuable and worthy based on a person’s appearance and/or their ability to [...] produce, excel, and 'behave.'"" You do not have to be disabled to experience ableism, and Disabled people can also reinforce ableism internally (manifesting as harm to themselves) and externally (harm to other disabled people). ## Further reading - [Longmore Lecture: Context, Clarity & Grounding](https://www.talilalewis.com/blog/longmore-lecture-context-clarity-grounding) - [Ableism 2020: An Updated Definition](https://www.talilalewis.com/blog/ableism-2020-an-updated-definition)","

a system that places value on people’s bodies and minds based on societally constructed ideas of normalcy, intelligence, excellence, and productivity. These constructed ideas are deeply rooted in anti-Blackness, eugenics, colonialism, and capitalism.

— Talia ""TL"" Lewis


To paraphrase Lewis, ableism ""leads to people and society determining who is valuable and worthy based on a person’s appearance and/or their ability to [...] produce, excel, and 'behave.'"" You do not have to be disabled to experience ableism, and Disabled people can also reinforce ableism internally (manifesting as harm to themselves) and externally (harm to other disabled people).

Further reading

",Ableism,ableism,1,,,noun,,, 3392dd6714589acfc599bf33827f50b59ff91272,prophylaxis.md,,,Prophylaxis,prophylaxis,0,"[{""text"": ""Pre-exposure (PreEP)"", ""full_title"": ""Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PreEP)""}, {""text"": ""Post-exposure (PreEP)"", ""full_title"": ""Post-exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)""}]",,,,, 356891dd0e865db07ebe6a28f257ce907c44758a,minoritised.md,"groups resulting from social constructs have grant less power or representation compared to other members or groups in society ## Benefits Minoritised places the emphasis on the power struggle, and on the systemic issues at play. It's also an adjective, which requires you to add ""group"" or ""people"" so it's people-first language ## Impact It removes the pejorative nature of ""minorities"".","

groups resulting from social constructs have grant less power or representation compared to other members or groups in society


Minoritised places the emphasis on the power struggle, and on the systemic issues at play. It's also an adjective, which requires you to add ""group"" or ""people"" so it's people-first language


It removes the pejorative nature of ""minorities"".

",minoritised,minoritised,1,,"{""level"": ""better-alternative"", ""alt-for"": ""minorities""}",adj,"[{""text"": ""Minority vs minoritize"", ""href"": ""https://www.theodysseyonline.com/minority-vs-minoritize""}]",, 359d3af8f438b25961b93aca1860bac81f5c6157,lame.md,,,Lame,lame,0,,"{""level"": ""avoid"", ""text"": ""ableist slur""}",,,, 38b0a2621e95b9cdfd065a919110c3f80c489cfb,psychopath.md,,,Psychopath,psychopath,0,,"{""type"": ""Ableist Slur"", ""level"": ""avoid""}",,,, 3908644023eb3f2c6341baa669ea901ccd41f5a1,polyamory.md,"belief that romantic and/or sexual exclusivity is not necessary for a happy, committed relationship; an umbrella term for various types of relationships (coded as romantic or quasi-romantic, sexual or non-sexual) where all partners involved consent to ethical non-monogamy, such as polycules, throuples, group marriages, etc. ## Note One can be polyamorous despite currently being single or in a monogamous relationship.","

belief that romantic and/or sexual exclusivity is not necessary for a happy, committed relationship; an umbrella term for various types of relationships (coded as romantic or quasi-romantic, sexual or non-sexual) where all partners involved consent to ethical non-monogamy, such as polycules, throuples, group marriages, etc.


One can be polyamorous despite currently being single or in a monogamous relationship.

",Polyamory,polyamory,1,,,noun,"[{""text"": ""My definition of polyamory"", ""href"": ""https://avris.it/blog/my-definition-of-polyamory""}, {""text"": ""Poly Glossary"", ""href"": ""https://www.polymatchmaker.com/main.mvc?Screen=HTML&Page=polyglossary""}, {""text"": ""http://polyliving.net/"", ""href"": ""http://polyliving.net/""}]",, 3c43647c37c44fe6a27877f6dccdaa33b5e268db,hard-of-hearing.md,,,Hard of Hearing (HOH),hard-of-hearing,0,,,,,, 3e06572547fe0ba58b80267c41a21fa98728248d,bierasure.md,,,Bierasure,bierasure,0,,,,,, 3edbd8d433034780e8785f57e26b2f7ff5091ba7,crazy.md,"mentally deranged; demented; insane. ## Issues Crazy is very commonly used as an adjective to embody a vast array of ideas, often not specifically. It is used so frequently that it sometimes is a filler. Crazy can also be used in a derogatory manner for someone with mental or psychiatric disabilities. ## Impact By using ableist language, we are perpetuating violence against people who experience mental or psychological disabilities. Using this language perpetuates those systems and language of harm, regardless of our intent. ## Usage Tip Be more specific. Typically we can find an alternate definition by simply reflecting on what emotion we're really feeling.","

mentally deranged; demented; insane.


Crazy is very commonly used as an adjective to embody a vast array of ideas, often not specifically. It is used so frequently that it sometimes is a filler. Crazy can also be used in a derogatory manner for someone with mental or psychiatric disabilities.


By using ableist language, we are perpetuating violence against people who experience mental or psychological disabilities. Using this language perpetuates those systems and language of harm, regardless of our intent.

Usage Tip

Be more specific. Typically we can find an alternate definition by simply reflecting on what emotion we're really feeling.

",crazy,crazy,1,,"{""text"": ""Ableist Slur"", ""level"": ""avoid""}",noun,,"[""abundant"", ""bizarre"", ""enormous"", ""ludicrous"", ""obnoxious"", ""outlandish"", ""ridiculous"", ""unbelievable"", ""unexpected"", ""unfamiliar"", ""unreal"", ""scary"", ""shocking"", ""strange"", ""wicked"", ""wild""]", 42a5b34e7d14b831fba429f6f0230facae49cafe,solidarity.md,,,Solidarity,solidarity,0,,,,,, 4361fe8176312bc3439b4f3ce8db1dacc2f38bbc,women-and-people-of-colour.md,"often used as a phrase to encompass “non-white, non-men,” seeking to provide solidarity for these two groups ## Issues What happens to women of colour? As a woman of colour, I am split between both women and people of colour. ## Impact As such, it elicits feelings of erasure for women of colour. It also neglects [non-binary](/definitions/non-binary) individuals.","

often used as a phrase to encompass “non-white, non-men,” seeking to provide solidarity for these two groups


What happens to women of colour? As a woman of colour, I am split between both women and people of colour.


As such, it elicits feelings of erasure for women of colour. It also neglects non-binary individuals.

",women and people of colour,women-and-people-of-colour,1,,"{""level"": ""avoid""}",noun,,"[""people of colour and white women"", ""people of colour"", ""white non-binary people, and white women"", ""find ways to reframe why this dynamic exists"", ""or omit""]", 44db77d9c6ac9bf8861d736011e23d2c0ed644a7,spaz.md,"irrationally nervous person; hyperactive ## Issues The origin of the word “Spaz” is a shortened version of “Spastic.” Spastic refers to an alteration in muscle tone affected by the medical condition spasticity, which is seen in spastic diplegia and many other forms of cerebral palsy. ## Impact By using ableist language, we are perpetuating violence against people who experience mental or psychological disabilities. Using this language perpetuates those systems and language of harm, regardless of our intent. ## Usage Tip Be more specific. Typically we can find an alternate definition by simply reflecting on what emotion we're really feeling.","

irrationally nervous person; hyperactive


The origin of the word “Spaz” is a shortened version of “Spastic.” Spastic refers to an alteration in muscle tone affected by the medical condition spasticity, which is seen in spastic diplegia and many other forms of cerebral palsy.


By using ableist language, we are perpetuating violence against people who experience mental or psychological disabilities. Using this language perpetuates those systems and language of harm, regardless of our intent.

Usage Tip

Be more specific. Typically we can find an alternate definition by simply reflecting on what emotion we're really feeling.

",Spaz,spaz,1,,"{""text"": ""Ableist Slur"", ""level"": ""avoid""}",noun,,"[""hyper"", ""anxious"", ""jumpy"", ""unable to focus""]", 45de63cd9914bdd631f28e30c15383f45ac01907,black-asian-minority-ethnic.md,,,Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME),black-asian-minority-ethnic,0,,,,,, 4695bede30502935a82597f927092c6bced90775,empathy.md,,,Empathy,empathy,0,,,,,, 4a841472c077339dbd7d3268f3b1615f6381e91b,-splaining.md,,,-Splaining,-splaining,0,"[{""text"": ""Cissplaining"", ""full_title"": ""Cissplaining""}, {""text"": ""Mansplaining"", ""full_title"": ""Mansplaining""}, {""text"": ""Whitesplaining"", ""full_title"": ""Whitesplaining""}]",,,,, 4ad74564d6c53ff3d9d8c1330ba84e867d3025f1,ethnicity.md,,,Ethnicity,ethnicity,0,,,,,, 4db72e296637cc6c3d8a6a027207dbd426696a7e,systematic.md,,,Systematic,systematic,0,,,,,, 4f3db2ab3952ed97a1d5b94049091f46983dadb6,fatphobia.md,"the fear, hatred, and stigmitasation of fat people. ## Issues Fatphobia is the racialised, classist, and ableist tool of oppression that codifies a “ideal” body type that centres a white, Western aesthetic, demands time and resources that people may not have, and attempts to correlate thinness and heathliness—perpetuating white supremacist violence against people of colour, perpetuates classist oppression of people living with limited resources, and the ableist idea of healthiness as an indicator of human value. ## Impact A history of being ignored and shamed prevents many fat people from visiting medical professionals even if they have the financial and physical means to do so. Medical professionals hold fatphobic biases and often prescribe weight loss as a default instead of listening to their fat patients' concerns. Employers will pay fat employees less than their thin colleagues and offer them no protection from weight stigma in the workplace, as their fatphobic biases lead to their perception of fat employees as lazy, less intelligent, and unmotivated. Law enforcement officers are less likely to believe fat people reporting sexual assaults, as their fatphobic biases lead them to think of fat people as unattractive, not sexually active, or undesirable.","

the fear, hatred, and stigmitasation of fat people.


Fatphobia is the racialised, classist, and ableist tool of oppression that codifies a “ideal” body type that centres a white, Western aesthetic, demands time and resources that people may not have, and attempts to correlate thinness and heathliness—perpetuating white supremacist violence against people of colour, perpetuates classist oppression of people living with limited resources, and the ableist idea of healthiness as an indicator of human value.


A history of being ignored and shamed prevents many fat people from visiting medical professionals even if they have the financial and physical means to do so. Medical professionals hold fatphobic biases and often prescribe weight loss as a default instead of listening to their fat patients' concerns.

Employers will pay fat employees less than their thin colleagues and offer them no protection from weight stigma in the workplace, as their fatphobic biases lead to their perception of fat employees as lazy, less intelligent, and unmotivated.

Law enforcement officers are less likely to believe fat people reporting sexual assaults, as their fatphobic biases lead them to think of fat people as unattractive, not sexually active, or undesirable.

",Fatphobia,fatphobia,1,,,noun,"[{""text"": ""Sizeism and Fatphobia"", ""href"": ""https://www.srhweek.ca/providers/people-and-communities/sizeism-and-fatphobia/""}, {""text"": ""Anti-Oppression: Anti-Fatmisia"", ""href"": ""https://simmons.libguides.com/anti-oppression/anti-fatmisia""}]",,1 50b8aacc13ad9fbbea0a388a7afd1f167905b484,positivism.md,,,Positivism,positivism,0,,,,,, 50cdaaa2eed99cac679a18c9431dfcb06dcd7788,oppression.md,,,Oppression,oppression,0,"[{""text"": ""Iternalised"", ""full_title"": ""Internalised Oppression""}]",,,,, 521465397aa1e2b638745595751a5ab398ab8f03,homophobia.md,,,Homophobia,homophobia,0,,,,,, 544a5b2225f882711d863ab57e4c53e5d6b084e4,internalized-oppression.md,,,internalized oppression,internalized-oppression,0,,,,,, 56081e075ddab9524a9da556b205450912347d3f,burka.md,,,Burka,burka,0,,,,,, 59acd932b6d25e7896e3dfefc9ae83c06adf09a0,illness.md,,,Illness,illness,0,"[{""text"": ""Chronic"", ""full_title"": ""Chronic Illness""}]",,,,, 5a8c22999f07925103cfcf281a187de10e76db9a,ancestors.md,,,Ancestors,ancestors,0,,,,,, 5c40687ec6b028f2d2834ea4d8ff0205116ed4e8,tawhid.md,,,Tawhid,tawhid,0,,,,,, 5ce026a8cbb77b99c662c3c67d3045030eb0d92a,unqueer.md,,,Unqueer,unqueer,0,,,,,, 5d54b2f44e886de17faafbe240e2fcc9a0169390,transgender.md,"of, relating to, or characterised by a gender that does not match the gender they were assigned at birth. The opposite of [cisgender](/definitions/cisgender).","

of, relating to, or characterised by a gender that does not match the gender they were assigned at birth.

The opposite of cisgender.

",Transgender,transgender,1,,,adj,,, 5d96414eaefa4d9771e92d9b1815b3db1ff19283,anxiety-disorders.md,,,Anxiety disorders,anxiety-disorders,0,,,,,, 5f5f9cc0886b0f49729edb0f7682d6a0bdfd0aab,trans-exclusionary-radical-feminist.md,,,Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF),trans-exclusionary-radical-feminist,0,,,,,, 61160ae1b8e60afd903a8183afc2483080f19fce,tranny.md,,,Tranny,tranny,0,,"{""level"": ""avoid"", ""text"": ""anti-trans slur""}",,,, 620430a4b04d2faa2f56fb452b3e22285ec245b9,dominant-culture.md,,,Dominant culture,dominant-culture,0,,,,,, 6395127bb6cdce6e51899fe68347b1386cb9670e,discordant-couples.md,,,Discordant couples,discordant-couples,0,,,,,, 64799089287ae0ea0847b7c71314bf5e0a72a94c,people-with-disabilities.md,,,People with disabilities,people-with-disabilities,0,,,,,, 6488dd1ab95dd0a31865274751b70f88bb162e24,misogynoir.md,,,Misogynoir,misogynoir,0,,,,,, 65299d4bfae30436548b93659931e13de99ed941,colonial-narrative.md,,,Colonial narrative,colonial-narrative,0,,,,,, 653d38c24d3076ad553e871074e95f1fa461a86d,black.md,,,Black,black,0,"[{""text"": ""men (BM)"", ""full_title"": ""Black men (BM)""}, {""text"": ""people (BP)"", ""full_title"": ""Black people (BP)""}, {""text"": ""women (BW)"", ""full_title"": ""Black women (BW)""}]",,,,, 679c535899775ec4da3efe4b5189c545ae14fedf,disabled.md,,,Disabled,disabled,0,,,,,, 68df9b8f533142354ac39a985188bfdc2c4cdf01,cisgender.md,"of, relating to, or characterised by being a gender that matches the gender they were assigned at birth. The opposite of [transgender](/definitions/transgender).","

of, relating to, or characterised by being a gender that matches the gender they were assigned at birth.

The opposite of transgender.

",Cisgender,cisgender,1,,,adj,,, 69dec0dda7852ece164de163830d9e4b720e325a,intersectionality.md,,,Intersectionality,intersectionality,0,,,,,, 6ee6383d5c7d0844e22a1c92d348548ba1b8bb75,viral-load.md,,,Viral Load,viral-load,0,,,,,, 707df199384cd5564080f5f50f65d0c56fff515e,demi.md,,,Demi,demi,0,"[{""text"": ""-boy"", ""full_title"": ""Demi-boy""}, {""text"": ""-girl"", ""full_title"": ""Demi-girl""}, {""text"": ""-romantic"", ""full_title"": ""Demi-romantic""}, {""text"": ""-sexual"", ""full_title"": ""Demi-sexual""}]",,,,, 735b2b96fed0e6101fa934ce8c38cd0b4f9bf411,two-spirited.md,,,Two-spirited,two-spirited,0,,,,,, 7484b1fb57af2eb15d373a1bc46024337172e708,jihad.md,,,Jihad,jihad,0,,,,,, 76bdfde032d17c2a46d5a915a94e7ef7893888e1,equity.md,,,Equity,equity,0,,,,,, 7b7c9742a22bb2c297fe8d560876e8f5770e7049,-tard.md,,,-tard,-tard,0,,"{""level"": ""avoid"", ""text"": ""ableist slur""}",,,, 8072290c02594215aaf9e29e867ad5a5e4f79b7a,violence-against-women-and-girls.md,,,Violence against women and girls (VAWG),violence-against-women-and-girls,0,,,,,, 82e325b1bfd319c71c847c80222f5dfd7964a631,english-as-second-language.md,"the teaching of English to people who speak a different language and who live in a country where English is the main language spoken ## Issues Monolinguist, English-only speakers often refer to people who don't speak English natively as ""ESL"" or say they are learning a ""second language"". More often than not, this is not true, as many people are multi-lingual with 3 or more languages ## Impact It makes false assumptions about English learners, centres English as the ""default"" or ""expected"" first language, ignoring that many people learn multiple (>3), non-English languages first.","

the teaching of English to people who speak a different language and who live in a country where English is the main language spoken


Monolinguist, English-only speakers often refer to people who don't speak English natively as ""ESL"" or say they are learning a ""second language"". More often than not, this is not true, as many people are multi-lingual with 3 or more languages


It makes false assumptions about English learners, centres English as the ""default"" or ""expected"" first language, ignoring that many people learn multiple (>3), non-English languages first.

",English as Second Language (ESL),english-as-second-language,1,,"{""level"": ""avoid""}",noun,"[{""href"": ""https://benchmarkeducation.com/best-practices-library/supporting-english-language-learners-in-reading-writing.html#section_2"", ""text"": ""ELL Glossary by Benchmark Education""}]","[""English as learning-language (ELL)"", ""or non-native"", ""or omit (because do you really know, for sure?)""]", 838d4837bcfafdee66d34da382a177fd131303ef,climate-change.md,,,Climate change,climate-change,0,,,,,, 83f67535f4ca1dc4c8ee30474350117380f01796,gray-asexuality.md,,,Gray asexuality,gray-asexuality,0,,,,,, 850c417816f2a8eabcb78dbbde6c35fd4a4ea69c,tribe.md,,,Tribe,tribe,0,,,,,, 852ad01aa66f8c25281b03a8db70a769fd539a8d,attraction.md,,,Attraction,attraction,0,"[{""text"": ""Aesthetic"", ""full_title"": ""Aesthetic Attraction""}, {""text"": ""Platonic"", ""full_title"": ""Platonic Attraction""}, {""text"": ""Sexual"", ""full_title"": ""Sexual Attraction""}]",,,,, 852d63424c66437b74170f24c7dff52425787487,gender-confirmation-surgery.md,,,Gender confirmation surgery (GCS),gender-confirmation-surgery,0,,,,,, 86b671543409dbdf3aad4ce402d841a2a45cb2e9,asexual.md,,,asexual,asexual,0,,,,,, 86d489ee3ea94ce227d4aab9a25a5ced2c1c2d17,matriarchy.md,,,Matriarchy,matriarchy,0,,,,,, 87eb6634ba1efa4dcdb8acfe947af0211208558e,fem.md,,,Fem,fem,0,,,,,, 8b38a400cbe62416e26e3b3b7dde01cfa241d3be,patriarchy.md,,,Patriarchy,patriarchy,0,,,,,, 8b8dac72abd5563aad8349aef8f9bea849db2294,latinx.md,,,Latinx,latinx,0,,,,,, 8bfcb2f3e92cf8e8d0d5eca9ac265accc56f9619,immigrant.md,,,Immigrant,immigrant,0,,,,,, 8c7dadcfa8e79074bd238de601bce968a677858d,savage.md,,,Savage,savage,0,,"{""level"": ""avoid"", ""text"": ""racist slur""}",,,, 90b04dbcf9e494269e2bf0ff489e892e5e33ed5b,hegemonic.md,,,hegemonic,hegemonic,0,,,,,,